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Thursday, July 26, 2012

[Tutorial] Balanar (Night Stalker)




Range: Melee    Movement Speed: 295    Primary atribute: STR
Str: 23   Agi: 18   Int: 16
Damage: 57 – 61   HP: 587   Mana: 208
HP Regen: 0.94 | Mana Regen: 0.65
Attack Speed: 1.39 (+ 18% IAS) | Armor: 6


If cast at night, slows the target for 4 seconds. If cast at day, slows the target for 2 seconds. 8 cooldown

Level 1:  Deals 90 damage and 80 manacost
Level 2:  Deals 160 damage and 90 manacost
Level 3:  Deals 255 damage and 100 manacost
Level 4:  Deals 335 damage and 110 manacost

      Crippling Fear

 In The night, the Night Stalker can cause intense fear in the enemy units, causing them to miss 40% of the attacks and be unable to cast spells. This has reduced effect during the day. 12 cooldown

Level 1: Lasts 5 seconds
Level 2: Lasts 6 seconds
Level 3: Lasts 7 seconds
Level 4: Lasts 8 seconds

     Hunter in the night

The Night Stalker is at home at night. He attacks and moves more swiftly

Level 1: 20% movement speed, 30% attack speed
Level 2: 25% movement speed, 45% attack speed
Level 3: 30% movement speed, 60% attack speed
Level 4: 35% movement speed, 75% attack speed


Crates a period of darkness for the Night Stalker to thrive in.

Level 1: Turns day into 25 second night
Level 2: Turns day into 50 second night
Level 3: Turns day into 80 second night



Starting items:

-One point in void

-One point in Hunter in the night.

-Lvl 3 in Void and 2 in Hunter in the night

-Level 6 in Hunter in the night and Level 7 maximize Hunter in the night. You should have this items when the first night starts.

-Level 8 maximize Void and Level 9 one point in Ultimate Then lvl 10 one in Crippling Fear

-Maximise Crippling Fear then Maximize Ultimate the attributes
-At this point you should be able to gang almost anyhero.

-This is the most balanced itembuild for Balanar


-Ok the first thing you need to know is YOU ONLY ATACK/GANK IN THE NIGHT.This is important because all your skills are better in night so you are very powerfull at night.
-You will use your ultimate only for evade a gank/atack.You can use it to gank others only in late game when you are powerfull enought.
-In the early game you need to farm alot dont go for firstblood or gank's because you may fail!
-You can go to gank only after lvl 8-9 and in the night beacuse you will have Void/Hunter in the night maximized.

Thats it so i hope this tutorial will help you!

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