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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Call of duty Modern warfare 3-special ops series at veteran difficulty.

Hi all! It's VoVoXperTz here, and I'll show you my special ops series! You can watch it for helping you out with completing the missions!

#1 mission: Click here

You can find the other missions on my youtube channel : VoVoGaming ( )

Thursday, July 26, 2012

[Tutorial] Balanar (Night Stalker)




Range: Melee    Movement Speed: 295    Primary atribute: STR
Str: 23   Agi: 18   Int: 16
Damage: 57 – 61   HP: 587   Mana: 208
HP Regen: 0.94 | Mana Regen: 0.65
Attack Speed: 1.39 (+ 18% IAS) | Armor: 6


If cast at night, slows the target for 4 seconds. If cast at day, slows the target for 2 seconds. 8 cooldown

Level 1:  Deals 90 damage and 80 manacost
Level 2:  Deals 160 damage and 90 manacost
Level 3:  Deals 255 damage and 100 manacost
Level 4:  Deals 335 damage and 110 manacost

      Crippling Fear

 In The night, the Night Stalker can cause intense fear in the enemy units, causing them to miss 40% of the attacks and be unable to cast spells. This has reduced effect during the day. 12 cooldown

Level 1: Lasts 5 seconds
Level 2: Lasts 6 seconds
Level 3: Lasts 7 seconds
Level 4: Lasts 8 seconds

     Hunter in the night

The Night Stalker is at home at night. He attacks and moves more swiftly

Level 1: 20% movement speed, 30% attack speed
Level 2: 25% movement speed, 45% attack speed
Level 3: 30% movement speed, 60% attack speed
Level 4: 35% movement speed, 75% attack speed


Crates a period of darkness for the Night Stalker to thrive in.

Level 1: Turns day into 25 second night
Level 2: Turns day into 50 second night
Level 3: Turns day into 80 second night



Starting items:

-One point in void

-One point in Hunter in the night.

-Lvl 3 in Void and 2 in Hunter in the night

-Level 6 in Hunter in the night and Level 7 maximize Hunter in the night. You should have this items when the first night starts.

-Level 8 maximize Void and Level 9 one point in Ultimate Then lvl 10 one in Crippling Fear

-Maximise Crippling Fear then Maximize Ultimate the attributes
-At this point you should be able to gang almost anyhero.

-This is the most balanced itembuild for Balanar


-Ok the first thing you need to know is YOU ONLY ATACK/GANK IN THE NIGHT.This is important because all your skills are better in night so you are very powerfull at night.
-You will use your ultimate only for evade a gank/atack.You can use it to gank others only in late game when you are powerfull enought.
-In the early game you need to farm alot dont go for firstblood or gank's because you may fail!
-You can go to gank only after lvl 8-9 and in the night beacuse you will have Void/Hunter in the night maximized.

Thats it so i hope this tutorial will help you!